Drywall Repair and minor repairs, Mississauga, Toronto

drywall repair

Drywall repair

When your wall gets damaged beyond regular sanding, then it is time to give a skim coat drywall repair over the entire wall.

Learning More About Drywall repair and how  Mississauga handyman do it in Mississauga Ontario

Drywall is also known as plasterboard or wallboard. It is commonly used in construction for wrapping columns, concealing beams, and topping off ceilings. It also serves as protection from fire. Most home and building contractors recommend it for added protection.
Damaged drywall can be expensive and quite inconvenient for homeowners. Damaged drywall also decreases the value of the house.

Common Drywall Damage

• Drywall  Repair After Plumber Cutting Holes in Drywall
• Plumbing Leaks
This is one of the leading causes of broken drywall. If the plumbing is old or it was not properly installed, major problems may arise.
The leaking water weakens the hold of the drywall. It causes the wall to bulge and eventually breaks. If you notice water marks or if the wall is bulging, it is best to inspect and repair the waterline. Then replace or patch up the damaged drywall.

• Popping Nails in drywall

If nails were not securely set during installation, a nail may pop through the drywall after some time. Refrain from getting a hammer to put the nail back in place to avoid further damage to the wall. Find the stud first before hammering the nail back.
• The Drywall Is Not Fastened Well
In drywall installation, a joint fastening tape is used. The thick tape may come loose due to moisture and the damage will be quite noticeable.

• Loose tape on drywall
The tape may loosen and create bubbles, then it might come off. Use a knife to cut around the bubbles. Uninstall the tape. Then apply joint compound to the hole. Install a new strip of tape and cover with a thin layer of joint compound.

•  Drywall cracking
This is caused by improper installation of the drywall. This often occurs in ceilings. Cracked drywall is a safety issue and can also be caused by the house settling.
Cracks may also form on the ceiling when there is moisture or water leak. If you notice cracks on your ceiling, it is important to inspect your roof and/or check the plumbing inside the house. Don’t ignore cracks on walls and ceilings because small cracks may become bigger, and you’ll have more problems.

• Termite Damage
Termites feed on dead plants and wood fibre. They are a major issue for many homeowners.
Call an exterminator immediately if you notice signs of termite damage. Signs of termite damage include pinholes and a hollow sound when you strike the wall. A damaged wood and paint job are also signs of termite damage.

• Holes in drywall
Any type of hole in the wall is considered a structural issue. It can be caused by furniture bumping too hard against the wall, doors blowing open and kids’ toys thrown on the wall.
If you notice a hole or holes on the drywall, patch it or repair it as soon as possible. This will prevent it from cracking further that can lead to a whole wall replacement.

Repairing A Broken Drywall
You can repair the drywall yourself; this is if you have all the needed tools and materials. If you don’t have any idea on how to do it or if you don’t have the tools needed, best to leave the repair to the professionals.

Do-It-Yourself Drywall Repair Steps
1. Clean up around the area with a sharp flat tool such as a blade you would use when plastering
2.  make sure that there is no protruding drywall paper that would stick out from under the plaster
3.  if filling a hole very small let’s say, the size of a dime or less you could place some firm wet hot mix (sheetrock 20) into and onto the hole
4. Let it dry then you will notice this when the plaster repair has gone perfectly white, lightly sand the area until it is smooth.   Make sure that you don’t over-sand plastered area because you will create a depression it has to be flat and smooth to the drywall

For medium holes:
1. Sand the surface around the hole and wipe off the dust.
2. Use a drywall metal patch. Press the patch to secure its position, with the mesh facing outward.
3. Spread the drywall compound over the patch. Smoothen it out and let it dry. Repeat the step until the patch is no longer visible.
4. Gently sand the surface until smooth like the wall.

For large holes:
Larger holes need patches that are made of drywall. It should be the same thickness as the drywall already present.
1. Cut a square of the drywall patch. Make sure that it is slightly larger than the hole.
2. Draw an outline of the patch around the hole using a pencil.
3. Cut out the drawn area with a drywall saw. Make sure to check for electrical cords or plumbing lines before you cut.
4. Mount two wooden boards behind the drywall. Position them one on top of the other. This will secure the patch on the wall.
5. Screw the drywall patch to the wooden boards.
6. Spread the drywall compound and add a mesh. Repeat step until the patch is not visible.
7. Sand the area to make it smooth. Paint over once it is dry.

Plaster is often used for coating walls, ceilings and partitions. The common causes of plaster damage include:
o Settling of the house
o An occasional earthquake can cause plaster to crack
o Water damage from roof or plumbing leaks
o Expansion and contraction of the house’s wood framing

Plaster Repair
1. Scrape the damaged areas
Prepare the area by removing any flaking or loose plaster. Chip away the damaged plaster with a cold chisel and a ball pen hammer. Scrape away any excess debris.
Make sure not to hit too hard. This could damage the wood lath behind the plaster.

2. Mix New Plaster
Mix up enough amount of plaster needed. Mix it properly until it is like the consistency of a cake frosting.

3. Apply the Plaster to the Damaged Area
Use a 10-inch wallboard knife to spread the plaster mixture. Spread a ¼ inch layer over the hole. It is best to cross-scratch the first coat. This allows the second coat to adhere well.
Apply the second coat and cross scratch.
4. Apply a joint compound
Mix a joint compound. Apply a very thin layer over the dried second coat of plaster.
5. Sand and Paint
Sand the fixed area with a sandpaper block. This makes the surface smooth and level before painting.

Drywall Repair and minor repairs, Mississauga, Toronto

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from Mississauga Handyman https://mississaugahandyman.com/drywall-repair-minor-repairs/